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Six Signs You Need To Check Your Subaru Exhaust System

September 6, 2023

Six Signs You Need To Check Your Subaru Exhaust System

When it comes to reliable vehicles, you can't go wrong with a Subaru. But just like any other vehicle, even Subarus risk facing issues every once in a while. And if there's one area of the vehicle that you don't want any problems with, it's the exhaust system.

A vehicle's exhaust system serves many purposes. Primarily, it acts as a buffer between you and the exhaust gases that your vehicle's engine produces. It also helps to reduce engine noise and decrease pollution. With this in mind, you'll want to make sure to bring your vehicle to your trusted auto shop at the first sign of exhaust system trouble.


When your vehicle begins to vibrate, that's never a good sign. While the exhaust system is often not the culprit behind vibrations, it's best not to rule it out completely. It's possi-ble that one of the hangers or brackets that hold the exhaust pipe against your vehicle's underside has become loose. The reasoning can also be a failing muffler or a clogged catalytic converter. An exhaust leak can also cause vibrating.

Loud Engine Sound

The muffler is located near the end of the exhaust system, and it serves an important function: to muffle the sound of the engine. Any damage to it can cause your vehicle's engine to sound a lot louder. Of course, any leaks along the exhaust system can cause your engine's sound to increase in volume. Therefore, it's important to locate precisely where the damage has occurred and have it fixed.

Decrease in Power and Fuel Efficiency

Exhaust system trouble can lead to an increase in fuel consumption. This is because the engine is working harder to compensate for whatever the issue may be. These very exhaust issues will also prevent your vehicle from operating at its best.

Scraping or Rattling Sound

If you hear something dragging underneath your car, or the sound of scraping or rattling against the road, there's a good chance your exhaust pipe has become loose. You'll want to get this fixed immediately, or else you'll be posing a great danger to yourself and everyone else on the road due to flying sparks or your exhaust pipe snapping off completely.

Exhaust Smell

An exhaust leak will lead to the smell of exhaust in your vehicle. If the odor is similar to rotten eggs, your catalytic converter may have failed. This is because the catalytic con-verter converts exhaust gases—which contain traces of sulfur—into odorless sulfur di-oxide. If the odor is still there, then your catalytic converter is the likely culprit.

Check Engine Light

As already established, the catalytic converter is essential to your vehicle's exhaust sys-tem. The vehicle's oxygen sensors are just as important, which read the exhaust's oxy-gen levels. Any malfunction in either of these components will likely lead to your check engine light coming on.

If you live in the Salt Lake area and are having issues with your exhaust system, do not hesitate to contact us at Aposhian. We've seen and heard it all and are here to get you back on the road.

When using Aposhian Garage, you have not only had your Subaru properly maintained, but you have also found your Subaru repair “home.”
We look forward to getting to know you and your vehicle!

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